Saturday 30 March 2013

Art and Language - Task 1

 This was a fun project, investigating and experimenting with the ways of combining text with images and exploring how that relationship can evolve and create new meanings. For task one I took some of the things I'd overheard for the Earwigs task and worked on them to create images using the text. Overall i think it was quite successful.
Trees Have Feelings Too- Hopefully this shows an improvement in my photoshop skills! I am really pleased with this outcome. I think the text is still readable but integrated enough within the illustration to make an overall combined image. 
Your Hair Looks Like An Octopus- I experimented alot with materials for this image, i tried photoshop, pens, watercolours and finally decided on colouring pencils because i am comfortable with this medium and it was an effective way of introducing several colours in a more delicate way. I think it communicates well enough :) .
I'm really pleased with this image. I think the text and image work well together and help to emphasise the tone/meaning of the quote i used.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


This was quite a fun task, listening to peoples conversations/television etc and recording it in an A6 sketch book with accompanying illustration. Some of the drawings were done at the time i heard the quote and others i rendered at home where i had more materials to experiment with.