Wednesday 22 May 2013

SWOT Analysis

To better understand my personal and professional skills i completed three versions of a SWOT analysis to work out my Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. I did this for three different scenarios i could see myself in, beginning with the present and what i feel my skills are now. 

SWOT Analysis.

1. As I see myself now, an illustration student living in Plymouth:

Strengths- Time management, punctuality, presentation and organization of work.
Weaknesses- Could improve on fundamental drawing skills, digital skills, need to concentrate on creating professional-looking outcomes, I am highly over-critical.
Opportunities- Most of my opportunities come from college at the moment in the form of; art fairs, the technical facilities, good art supplies, help/feedback from tutors and peers, artist workshops (Jack Teagle), creative software, Design 2 Sell.
Threats- Facilities that do not work some times or are unavailable, problems with technology, financial restrictions, getting work in on time if it is digital as it takes me longer!

2. As I want to see myself in the future, a children’s book illustrator, perhaps living in London:

Strengths- Punctuality and time management, I am over-critical so I would only produce/show the best of my work, creating professional outcomes.
Weaknesses- Improve digital skills, industry knowledge, need a better ability to communicate ideas visually, need to network with other illustrators, need to define my style as an artist.
Opportunities- Sell work online, travel opportunities, meet other artists etc, get an agent who can help find opportunities!
Threats- Other illustrators(competition), the market or trend could change rapidly, freelance work is not very stable so financial problems could arise.

3. As a Plan B for the future, a costume designer/producer:

Strengths- time management, some knowledge from complimentary studies, ability to merge fashion with illustration skills.
Weaknesses- Not much industry knowledge, need to improve figurative drawing skills, experience in the field (work etc), would need contacts within the industry.
Opportunities- Local opportunities; Theatre Royal workshops and job opportunities, College; courses available to enhance learning, Broader opportunities; London, heart of the West End, great culture and more likely to gain contacts and work experience etc.

Threats- Only one really big theatre near by so not many opportunities locally, The market is alrealy flooded and full of top designers who work with the same directors (hard to make a name for yourself), sewing facilities etc.

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