Thursday 23 May 2013

Top Trumps- research

Jack Teagle

Jack Teagle is a freelance illustrator from the South-West. As well as illustration, he also creates comic books, paints and creates really cool toys.

Some of Jack Teagles influences include Gary Baseman, Gary Panter and Ryan Heshka. You can tell this from his work both aesthetically because of some of the lines styles/colour use and the fact that these three artists don't stick with one medium: They create all sorts of artwork, not limiting themselves creatively.
Across many mediums, Jack Teagles style remains similar. His love of screen-printing shows in his illustrations as he uses the same aesthetic , if not the same medium. He has described his paintings as being constructed in a similar way, " I paint backgrounds first and then work onto the foreground and characters, after this I add in the details." This is also the same for Jack's digital work, he uses layers in photoshop and limited colours to achieve similar outcomes. 

I really like Jack Teagle's use of humour in his work. Most of his fictional characters have animal or alien qualities and i admire how he manages to create a visual narrative for the character in one image.

Gemma Correll

Gemma Correll is a cartoonist, writer and illustrator. Most of her images are simple line drawings, alot in black and white but some are in colour (usually pastelle shades from a limited colour palette). Her main tools are pens and pencils and her main influences are everyday people (and pugs!).

I hadn't looked at Gemma Corrells work before and i must say, i am already a fan! Her images are full of humour and i love the characterisation she had brought to some seemingly boring objects.
As well as illustrating, Gemma Correll sews and creates badges of some of her playful images. 

Meg Hunt

Meg Hunt is an American illustrator who creates amazing detailed images. She does alot of repeat pattern prints but these are also very detailed and i love the use of colour within them. 

Style-wise, most of the line work in Meg Hunts illustrations is quite simple but the pattern within that creates some really interesting images. Meg Hunt uses digital mediums alot more in her work now, creating layers of various textures and breaking down images, using washes etc to create some really intriguing designs. 

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