Monday 25 November 2013

Editorial 1 - Fly catcher

This was my first editorial illustration for The Great Editorial Race! In teams we agreed on who was doing which editorials and i landed the first one! It was good fun though and i am pleased with the result.

The feed back for my illustration was mainly positive but noted was the fact that the title of the article was in colour and therefore the publication would obviously be using a colour printer and it would be almost a shame to miss out on the opportunity of using colour when sometimes you are restricted by these sorts of things. With this in mind i created this version: 

I am really pleased with how this turned out! I am growing more confident with digital colouring and it didn't take me long. I was afraid at first that the colour would detract from the line work (as it's quite detailed) but i changed the opacity and fill levels of the colours and now i think they actually help to enhance the line work.

And as i cannot leave anything alone....

did this version with dots in the background, i quite like it! I know i have crept out of the box a bit but i think it adds to the illustration. The nature of it being a plant just lends itself to growing outside of the borders. 

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