Friday 15 November 2013

Interview with an illustrator: Abigail McKenzie

During the Gold Arts Award in the summer i worked alongside Abigail McKenzie, who was the main teacher, but is also an illustrator and many other things too! I took the opportunity of asking her a few questions about her life and work...

Me: What are your current job roles, and how long have you held them?
Abi: Illustrator since 2009, FE Enabler since October 2011, HE Study Skills tutor since April 2012, Short Course tutor since September 2012, Arts Award Advisor since May 2013 and Barmaid since the age of 18!!!

Me: What qualifications do you have?
Abi: Fundation Degree, BA (Hons) Illustration, PGCE Post Compulsory Education. 

Me: How did you get into teaching?
Abi: I worked in an art gallery after finishing my degree, doing workshops etc. I had to leave due to job cuts, damn the recession, but i decided to carry on teaching so i did a PGCE. 

Me: What do you like most about your job?
Abi: Sharing knowledge. 

Me: What do you like least?
Abi: Seeing people who have been teaching for so long that they forget why they did it in the first place and are no longer passionate about teaching. 

Me: Do you think your illustration degree has helped with getting education jobs?
Abi: Yes, usually it's a requirement! It has helped with other jobs but you shouldn't be judged on your degree level, it should be about your experience. 

Me: In terms of teaching, what skills do you consider to be the most important to do the job?
Abi: Being transparent: If you are lying, the students will see right through you and you need to be able to build trust. Being well researched is also important. You should be research about contemporary artwork and artists in a broad range of subjects. 

Me: Have you found you are able to merge illustration and teaching/education or found a balance?
Abi: No! Normally there's too much of one and not enough of another. There are not many jobs around so when a chance came at earning some money comes up i will take it!

Me: Have your career aspirations changed from when you started your degree?
Abi: They change everyday! I want to do everything!

Me: What would you say has been you most successful method of self promotion?
Abi: Social media and being online for sure. The internet is great for publicity and a quick way to get people to see your work. 

Me: Thank you!

I learnt a lot from Abi both through this little interview and by working with her everyday. She was great fun to work with and gave some insightful and honest answers to my questions.

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