Friday 23 May 2014

Self Promo - Statement

During my second year I have experimented with new methods of creating images. This is reflected in my portfolio by the range of work I have made using different techniques including, traditional painting, sketching, digital drawing and 3D model making. My digital skills have improved this year so a lot of my artwork is digitally produced/enhanced compared to last year. Research into other illustrators, and the illustration industry, has introduced me to new ways of working, looking at images and trying to find my own unique visual language. By constantly drawing this year I think my drawing skills are also still improving which is reflected in the line work of my illustrations. A great thing about my portfolio, I think, is that it all fits together. I was wary at the beginning of the year that I wouldn’t be able to find my ‘style’ and that if I tried to put together a group of images then nobody would be able to tell that the work belonged to one person, let alone that I created it. However, even though there are images, which are completely different because of how they were created, I think there is a sense of consistency within them and their differences somehow help to form a cohesive collection of images.

Next year I want to try and narrow down the ways I work in, maybe even merging a few of them to find a way of working that really suits me and shows others who I am as an illustrator. I also want to delve back into resin making; it was a challenging experience but very rewarding too. I can see from my research scrapbook that working in 3D has always been in the back of my mind and I really enjoyed model making for Independent Practices and that hopefully shows in the final products I made. I want to really hone my sculpting skills to produce work at a professional standard for my third year and perhaps look into making models that reflect my 2D work more (creating better character designs as a basis for my models).  By the end of the third year I really would like a clear idea of who I am as an illustrator, be able to produce work I am proud of and promote myself well enough to begin my career in illustration. ­

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