Friday 31 October 2014

The Museum of Spectres and Spooks

This was a really fun concept and I really enjoyed the challenge of creating an illustration without being able to do much research. The subject matter was difficult to convey but i am really pleased with my spooky characters i have created. I tried a few different mediums for this task but the main result is a digitally coloured poster, however, i hand-drew the typography and i am really happy with the result. I think it looks very polished and is still legible despite its design.

My first 'final version'. I like the rounded border but there was something off about the white. I think theres too much white and this does not help to convey the ideas or feeling of the poster content. 

I really like the black border. I think it helps the text to stand out and adds just enough darkness to enhance the context of the poster.

Final poster design! I made the front ghost larger and added another in the background to better realise the sense of distance and scale. I am really happy with this outcome, i think it clearly conveys the meaning of the poster and is still reminiscent of my style and other work. 

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